Out of all of our blog posts for this class, this is the one I was most anticipating. I love sitcoms, and have watched every episode of both The Office and Parks and Recreation. For this assignment, I chose to watch an episode of The Office in season 3, episode 13 titled, "The Return". I have seen this episode a few times, so I know the content very well and can even recite a few pieces of dialogue. However, I have never noticed just how prominent product placement is in the show, even though I have watched every season at least 3 times (and there are 9 seasons!).
The stars of The Office |
I chose this episode on purpose, because in it, one of the main characters leaves his job at the office to work at Staples. This is very significant, because that is huge product placement for Staples. There are multiple scenes filmed there, showing the outside of the building as well as the inside and the products they sell there. Staples is mentioned by name in the episode, and it is openly discussed between the characters. This is, by far, the most notable piece of product placement in the entire episode.
Andy punches a wall out of anger in this episode. |
The rest of the product placement in this episode is far more subtle, and not quite as 'in your face' as Staples is. The only products mentioned by name is a Sebring car, a Lexus, and Swanson brand chimichangas. The rest of the episode goes by without anyone mentioning specific brands, so all other product placement is seen and not heard. For example, in the office, the characters are all using HP computers to do their work, with the logo clearly shown. Also, a Cingular cell phone (boy, that's a throwback! Is Cingular even a thing anymore?) is held by a character, with the logo shown on the front.
Other small product placements include; Cisco systems (shown on the office landline phones), Aquafina water bottle, Clif bars, Herr's chips, Poland Spring giant water cooler, Morton's salt, Panasonic TV, a Battlestar Gallactica sweatshirt, and, in Staples, the brands Kodak, Epson, Canon, and HP are clearly visible. Keep in mind, I had to search a little for some of these products to get an accurate representation as to just how much placement is contained in this episode, but they are all easily visible.
After researching the content of this episode, I have a firm belief that the rest of the episodes of The Office have just as much product placement, if not more so. Even just watching other sitcoms, like Parks and Recreation and Modern Family (another one of my favorites!), I have seen product placement without even really paying much attention to the episode. It amazes me how company's can sneak their products into a 20 minute show.
After this assignment, I will definitely try to take more notice of product placement not only in TV shows, but in all different types of media as well.
After this assignment, I will definitely try to take more notice of product placement not only in TV shows, but in all different types of media as well.