The particular article I wanted to respond to is titled "Ban on hoverboards rooted in financial and legal concerns." The article goes over the recent hoverboard craze that has taken over the nation, and how Kutztown has banned the use of such transportation on campus. The writer suggests that the reason for the ban of the boards on campus is more about financial and legal issues than anything else. She explains her reasoning for it, but her argument is weak and she barely skims over her reasons for why she thinks that is the case.
In addition, she takes the stance that students are enraged by the fact that hoverboards have been banned, but provides no quotations from anybody saying that they are upset by the ban. Her argument may be valid, but my question is, does any student truly care if hoverboards are banned?
The writer states, "Noting that skateboards are still allowed on campus, students would believe that if skateboards are allowed, then so should hoverboards." The difference between skateboards and hoverboards is huge though; skateboards are able to be controlled by the person riding them, while hoverboards literally have a mind of their own. So why would the student assume that hoverboards would be allowed solely on the basis that skateboards are too? They are two completely different modes of transportation.
To fix the problem, the writer suggested that hoverboard users sign a waiver stating that the college is not responsible for any damages to the user, which I think is a very good idea, but again, the underlying issue is: who are these students that are going to sign the waiver, who are the hoverboard users that are upset by this ban?
I agree that some sort of paperwork should be signed to ensure that the university is not sued, and I also agree that this is more of a legal/financial issue, but who is the audience of this article? As far as I know, students have not lined up to picket this ban and demand they use their hoverboards.
In any case, for now students at Kutztown will just have to stick with regular skateboards and longbaords to get quickly around campus.
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