I do agree, however, about the many facets of social media and the 'virtual world'. The world of social media is so hard to menauver, even though I myself have been a part of it for many years, I still am learning all of the "do's" and "don'ts" of this huge virtual universe that so many are linked into.
One thing that I really connected with in Professor's article was what he said about social media, -"where critical reflection and examination are ghosts but the latest buzz or trend is a vibrant and seductive temptress". How wonderfully said! These days, everyone is so concerned with the latest outfit one of the Kardashian's were seen wearing, or what the latest gossip is on Justin Bieber. People find these topics so incredibly fascinating and always have something to say about them, and even go so far as to start fighting on social media about who's opinion is better. Meanwhile, nobody is paying attention to the latest shooting in that country or what's going on in politics, because everyone is so focused on the hottest trends of today.
Social media is already running the minds of this generation. We are glued to our phones constantly, not only checking text messages, but our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram profiles for what the latest news is.
As the years progress, social media will only continue to grow, change, and prosper with technology. As the changes continue, lets hope that we are able to still be in touch with ourselves as we delve further into the virtual world.
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